
Her objective is simple: Protect her country and protect the rules. A ruler can be replaced. New people will eventually be born. But if the country is gone nothing can bring it back. While her actions mainly target foreign sources of danger, if someone is trying to destroy the laws or country from the inside, she will also see those as threats and remove them. With such a personality it should be obvious that there is nearly no one she cares about. If someone has the same objective, that person is a valuable ally for her. If someone is against her objective, that person is her enemy, no matter what their background is.
Outside of her job in the army and her own objective to protect her country, she also loves to do research about magic. It doesn't have a high priority, since her other duties occupy a lot of time, but whenever she has a free minute she will use it for her research. At the end, the more she knows about magic, the stronger she will also become, as a mage.

Concept Artwork